
viernes, 28 de febrero de 2014

cityscape studies in Leicester

Here are some cityscape studies I had to do as part of my uni course. The idea was to use simple and fast strokes to sketch a scene. As an artist, it is important to be able to draw fast. Specially if you're working on a team. The artist it is expected to show his/her thoughts so that the rest of the team has a basic understanding of how it is going to look like when finalised.

I enjoyed this project. Using fine liners and pens as a media is something I a used to, therefore I felt comfortable while drawing the scenes. I had to go to town several times to draw the crowds, the buildings and the people sitting in cafes and restaurants. Most of the time it was freezing cold and I wasn't able to draw for too long because even if I was wearing gloves, my hands would go numb and shaky.

After I finished the pen drawing I usually took a picture and then use inks to add contrast to the scene. I did this process at home most of the time because inks are messy and It is hard to paint with them in the street.

I think what I liked the most was the freedom this project gave me. Since the beginning of the course, we had been told what to draw and for the first time I was able to choose what I wanted to draw, in other words, use my artistic judgment.