
miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2013

Video games: The Orgins part II

The next stage for gaming was heavily marked by the cold war. The 1980s were a time of anti-nuclear protests, protect and survive publicity, the raise of electronic music and also the raise of the pesonal computer!

During the 1980s, Atari 2600 dominated the market. Later on, Coleco Telstar created a console where you could play simultaneous games. One hardware and lots of games!

In 1983 Nintendo steps into the market and for the first time, the US has a competitor.
On same year, Atari loses popularity and meets its end. Not only Atari but many other consoles desappear over night. There were simply too many devices. Also, personal computers are becoming more popular since one could use them for work and entertainment at the same time.

By the end of the 80s Sega and Nintendo are the most popular consoles on the market. Specially Nintendo when in 1989 released the Game boy, a portable console!

The decade starts with a multitude of gaming devices but only a few remain at the end. Also, 3D games can be seen by the end of the 80s and even though they weren't that popular they showed what games could become in the future.

Next Chapter: History of video games part III (1990-2000)

References from google images.

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