
domingo, 31 de agosto de 2014

Summer project!

At the end of uni we were given a list of topics and our summer work involved picking one of the topics and turn it into a 3D scene.

I decided to do the rain forest crash + survivor although it was a tough decision, I wanted to do so many of them! After picking the topic it was brainstorm time and mood board time as well. I had a pretty clear idea of what I wanted to achieve therefore this process didn't take too long.

My idea is to create a scene after a tragic aircraft crash. Only the cockpit remains intact while the rest of the plain has been spread all over the rainforest crash site. Luggage and personal items have been scattered and among this chaos only one person is struggling to stand up. It's a girl, she is in shock but determined to find more survivors, uncluding her family.

I am still developing the characer but I am close to the final outcome. Also, I am looking forward to doing a concept drawing of the whole scene.

Tomorrow I will upload my progress in terms of 3D, see you soon!


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