
martes, 9 de diciembre de 2014

Last week of term!

Hello everyone! I can't wait for christmas holidays as I'll be able to have some time off from uni and focus on my own personal work.

The character project is coming along nicely, although I will run out of time to do what I initially had planed..

From the begining I knew I wanted to create a realistic character and fairly high poly. I did the basic mesh  in a few hours and then I started slowing down the process as I started paying attention to detail. The hands and the ears were the most difficult part. I almost spent a whole day modelling them!

For this project I did my concepting alongside my 3D, by the time I had my final concept I had to change my 3D model slightly. I had to make it more skinny and improve its clothes. I tried to capture his facial expression but it was quite hard. I also rigged the character because I wanted to animate at first. I added as many bones as possible and I even added a tail to avoid the 'skirt' to merge with the legs.

Once I unwrapped the model, I took it inot Zbrush and I refined it. I added wrinkles and folds to make it more realistic. I really enjoy using Zbrush but I still don't know how it properly works...I hope to learn some more over the christmas holidays.

Baking took some time, specially in terms of rendering my maps. I sat a whole morning wating for the renders. It was worth it though.

Right now I am finishing off the textures and hopefully, I'll have everything ready to go tomorrow!

As part of my visual studies module I made a wire armature for my character which helped me visualize the human form outside my computer. It was a nice distraction after spending days in front of a computer.

This is it for today, see you soon!

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