
martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013

Video Games: The Origins part III

The 1990s were a time full of changes, starting with the collapse of the soviet union in 1991 and the end of the cold war when, a year later the Berlin wall was taken down.

In terms of gaming, at this point, Japan is the leading country with its innovative Nintendo consoles. Every one wanted a Game Boy when it came out in 1992! Also, the most popular game made its entrance that same year, yes, I am talking about Tetris.

As arcades went down, other console platforms launched very successful games such as Sonic by SEGA.

CDs are becoming more popular, giving birth to a whole new generation of consoles. Starting with the PlayStation in 1994! No more horrible pixelated graphics! It is the begining of the 3D era!

Titles such as Resident Evil from Capcom, Golden eye from rare and later in 1998 Zelda, revolutionized gaming and set the bases for future generations of games.

Games were seen as funny and entertaining until the columbine killings in 1999 turned them evil. The two boys that carried the killings were not into gaming that much but the industry got damaged anyway. This view sadly, is still present nowadays.

In 2000 the PlayStation 2 arrives with new and better graphics! Also online gaming is becoming quite popular with titles like World Of Warcraft.

In conclusion, in ten years we went from pixelated images to reasonable good 3D graphics which I believe is a huge step.

Next chapter: from 2000 to the future..

References from google images.

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