
jueves, 30 de abril de 2015

One week to go

Hello! OTM project is coming to an end and I am not ready for it to be over, there's still a lot more we could do! Anyways I'd like start by reflecting on the previous post and the presentation in general.

The topic was interesting and I spend quite a long time doing research about it and learning the general opinion about it. In fact, I had too much information that trying to fit everything into a 3 min presentation was an impossible task.

The presentation itself was okay, I had a good start but around slide 4 I messed up my lines and in my head I went blank. Thankfully I didn't stand there like a statue and I kept talking around the topic. I knew my main points so I just improvised and made sure that I mentioned them at some point during my presentation.

I believe the tutors picked up on that and my mark won't be as good as it would've been if I had a smooth talk all the way through. I think that my main problem is that I had too much to say and I kept thinking about the time limit which made me lose concentration. Next time I will include less information per slide and allow myself a little break between slides.

I tried to dress appropriately and be engaging while talking as well as making a  good use of body language in order to convey my emotions. I believe my main struggle was trying to cope with my nerves. A little bit more practice would have been handy but I need to learn how to stay calm in presentations because it affects my overall performance. I think the best way to overcome this problem is practice, in other words, do more presentations!

And as promised, here's the little animation I did for my dichotomous character re-submission.

Until next time, bye!

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