
jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2014

Character dichotomy project

Hello! This week we have started a new project, a character one! We have no restrictions in terms of design, triangle budget and texture budget BUT the only rule is that we have to come up with two characters and they have to be opposite to each other.

This project almost screams at you to go towards a stylized approach but I am not sure I am ready to push myself that far away from my comfort zone.

This was my first mood board which I separated by themes. I tried to combine them to come up with something interesting and at first I was quite keen on making a futuristic cyborg lolita character but in the end I decided to go with the oriental theme.

I wanted to create two warriors with different personalities, size and clothing. I also liked the idea of master and apprentice.

This is my silhouette study. I took a generic male and female body and painted on top of them. I do plan on changing their shape and size as I refine them further.

I picked the ones that stood out the most for me and added a bit of detail to them.

By doing this process I found out straight away wich shapes worked quite well in any kind of outfit and which ones didn't. It was hard picking my two characters as I liked most of them.

After I had my pick I moved onto analyzing their shape. We were told at the beginning of this project to look at primitive shapes and what are they characteristics. What do they that make you feel like?

After the teachers had a look at my progress they told me that at the moment, they compliment each other rather than oppose each other. They suggested me to push those basic shapes to a certain extreme to make sure they become different characters.

I suppose that if I had gone in the stylized route I could exaggerate them as much as I wanted to...

I have a few ideas in mind on how to tackle this issue and I might end up adding a little bit of stylization but hopefully, I'll have a pair of awesome characters by th end of this project!

See you soon!

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