
miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2014

The forest wrath

Hello! I am happy to announce that my sentry gun project is finished! I handed it in on monday and I could not be happier.

Texturing was fun. I decided to go for a stylized look for my turret since realism wasn't working very well for me.

Putting things into engine took longer than I expected due to the position of my pivots. Everytime I imported the meshes and try to put them together and hit play, they wouldn't rotate the way they were meant to. Finally, when my turret was working fine, I came across a bigger challenge...emissive maps.

I had to use emissive maps to make the crystals glow.

I first started by choosing a single color connected to a timer but it only glowed that specific color which made my albedo map irrelevant.
Then I decided to mask my albedo in photoshop so that only the parts I wanted to glow would show up in the emissive channel and it worked just perfect.

I also decided to change the pre-set particle effect to a lightning effect and thanks to a very useful tutorial I managed to do it. For some reason though, it glitches and when the turret fires. It creates a weird lightning effect on the ground...

And this is my final product! I added a few target lights on the base to emphazise the crystal glow. I also wanted to add sound effects but unfortunately I ran out of time.

I am incredibly happy with the outcome. I believe it's the first time I genuinely like my 3D work which makes me more deremined to work harder and be better at it.

I also did a small clay model of my turret.

And we were asked to produce a poster for our sentry gun project as part of our visual sutdies module.

I am not very happy with it... I suppose not being particularly good at graphic design didn't help either.... I might do a better one later on but for now I must put this project aside since I am already working on a new one and it will require all of my time (or most of it anyway).

See you all soon!

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