
jueves, 16 de enero de 2014

Christmas Evil Character

The week before christmas the tutors asked us to come up with a character. Through its body language and clothing we had to show the evil in the character.

My first though was to make a snow queen but then I thought that idea wasn't orginial at all so I decided to make a phychotic character. It would add  realism, which I liked.

This were some of my first sketches. I wanted to capture a crazy look yet normal look for her.

I also looked at body postuures and this way, slowly define the personality of the character.

Next, the clothing. My first sketch included a skirt and armour as well but I decided to keep it simple. Something comfortable so that she would be able to move discretely and quick.
She carries daggers and knifes on both sides of her legs for an easier access.

This was the final outcome. I did a colour test in photoshop before moving onto acrylic paint.
Since it was a christmas evil character I believed green and red had to be present. I think the colours combined pretty well all together. I also added fluff to the hood in the end.

I enjoyed this project.
For the first time I was able to do something I love, which is to draw characters. I was able to use my creativity to create something, which is great.


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