
lunes, 6 de enero de 2014

Video Games: What lies ahead?

Since the year 2000 onwards, three main consoles have been dominating the market. The Xbox developed by Microsoft, the Play Station, developed by Sony and Nintendo with its different platforms (Nintendo 3DS, Wii).

Over the years, the big companies have used more 3D graphics to engage the player into the game and so far it has been very successful. The players can truly feel that they are part of the game.

But for how long?

Triple A titles such as Call of Duty and Grand theft auto have massive teams working that the cost of producing a new game is just too high.  Many companies do not get a profit off their games.

On the other hand, what seems to be thriving are the indie companies which rely mainly on simple 2D games like the immensely popular Angry Birds. They are cheap to produce and they don't require a large team. Also, indie games sometimes are even free to play on phones, tablets and laptops, technological devices most of the population has.

That means trouble for the consoles. Is it the end of the big titles?

In my opinion I don't think it is over for the big companies. Games will always be within our society, they transform and adapt to the demands of the players. As a game artist I believe it is important to keep an open mind and be willing to adapt and change like the industry itself.

References from google images.

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