
martes, 7 de enero de 2014

Trees in 3D?

Yes, this project was about trees. Creating branches from splines and using planes to add leaves.
I had to model and texture two different trees using references from real trees.

This was my first tree:`

The process of modelling the branches was the most challenging part. Making sure that the triangles did not exceed the maximum budget (1000) was difficult. It made the tree branches look pointy and jerky.

Nevertheless I like the texturing. It is hard to position the planes in such way that the leaves look realisitc. I don't think I fully accomplished that but I am happy with the end result.

The LOD (level of detail), which is the tree farthest away, in my opinion, I believe it was quite successful. One wouldn't think they are just two pictures intersecting with each other.

My second tree:

 This time around, I did a better job with the branches, they looked neater and nicely attached. Sadly, I used too many triangles and I ended up not being able to fully cover the tree with leaves.

The LOD doesn't look as good as that of the first tree because of the position of the tree itself. I don't dislike it though, I think it's still quite effective.

Next time, I will find the balance between the two.

Overall, it was a good project and a good experience, it helped me to gain more confidence using the 3D software and photoshop as well.

Thank you for reading!

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