
miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2014


Hello! This is my 3rd week working on my sentry gun project! At the beginning of this week I felt a bit anxious since I was a little bit behind on work. Reading week las week didn't help getting things done, but I have been seadily working and I aim to finish this project on friday.

Here's my progress so far:

I used the colours on my mood boards to create my colour palettes and some of them I really liked. In the end I thought that the element that stood out on my design was the contrast between the dark rock and the glowing lines around it. Therefore I went down that route.

I did a quick value separation study using my 3D mesh and then I coloured into my final concept.

Creating the 3D model was pretty straight forward and I didn't struggle too much. I wish I could've added more crystals but they take a good amount of geometry, even though I made them as low poly as possible...

I knew from the begining that using Zbrush was a must in this project due to the organic shape of my gun but I had never touched this piece of software before.

And so I learned how to use it in a day. Well, I learned the very basics but I enjoyed using it! It was a lot of fun and I really want to learn more about it!

Thanks to the notes I took on this lecture and a little bit of help from a course mate I managed to make my first bake. I couldn't get rid of all of the red areas because they were hidden geometry and therefore not very accessible. I tested my baked maps and I couldn't appreciate the red areas so I think there's no point stressing about it. Next time I'll be better at it.

Well, that's it for today. We have also been asked to create a poster to potentially sell our sentry guns, but mine is a gun created by nature therefore I am struggling a little bit on how to make it into a product. I have a few ideas in mind on how  it might work but that's a topic for another post!

See you soon,


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