
sábado, 1 de noviembre de 2014


I have been meaning to post this for quite a while, I've just been a little busy with projects. 

I wanted to have a reflection on what I am experiencing as a second year student because I feel myself changing at such a fast rate it almost makes me anxious thinking about it.

I thought that 2nd year would be the same as first year just more difficult, but I couldn't have been more wrong. From the first day I felt the responsibility to do well as this year is the real deal. This year I have to stop being a student and become a professional. And the funny thing is that I subconsciously started going through this transition. From the very first day my mind set has been very different than what it was last year. It is kind of weird, it's like my brain knows that I need to step up my game.

I have never experienced such a change and I am a little bit scared but all I can do now is to keep on going and see what lies at the end of this metamorphosis.  

Hopefully I'll become a pretty butterfly!

Another big change that I am going through at the moment and that makes me uncertain about the future is my growing interest in 3D. 
I always wanted to be a concept artist and come up with awesome designs but right now I am not sure I want to do that...
The more I learn about 3D, the more I want to keep on doing it. Last year I hated it because I didn't know how it worked but this year...I kind of enjoy it and engine it's just awesome. 

I thought this image described my internal turmoil pretty well. The rock represents my 2D, strong and immovable. The rock is solid. I have been walking on it my whole life, it's my comfort zone.

But then there's the sea (the world of 3D), and it is so beautiful and I feel curious about it. I want to know more about it but I am scared of the jump. The sea is unstable and moody. How do I know I won't drown? 

And then there's me, drifting through the air, away from the rock but not touching the water either... 

I don't know what it's going to happen but all I can do at this point is to trust myself and let the air decide whether it wants me to touch firm ground again or to submerge into the vast ocean.

Phew, I feel much better now that I have expressed into words what I feel. It is kind of therapeutical. I used to write a personal journey and this feels very similar. Anyway, here are some digi paintings I have been doing during the past week.

Sorry abut the head, I just couldn't get it right and I gave up in the end.

These two paintings are from Katy Perry´s Unconditionally videoclip. I don´t know why but I love the video for that song. I think it's very beautiful.

See you all soon!


Images used were taken from google images.

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