
lunes, 9 de marzo de 2015

Running into trouble!

Hello! This past week has been very long...I was hoping to get the rabbit into engine by the end of the week but I ran into a few problems that has slowed down my pace.

Skinning is giving me a hard time. The mesh doesn't deform properly on some places and it makes the whole animation weird.

Most of it looks fine except for the front legs...I feel it might be the topology but if I make changes to it it means I have to skin the character all over again and I have wasted enough time on this already!

Considering that the rabbit will be fairly small within the scene there's no need to have a perfect animation...

I also did a new animation since the old one ended up breaking from trying to mess around with it too much. I never though that animation could take this long..haha

This week I will work with what I've got and do my best to make it look as good as I can. I want to put it into engine and test that it works. Once everything looks fine in engine it would mean I can add any animation and I will be able to go faster since the character has been skinned already.

At this moment in time we're more than half way through the project and we really need to give our 100% if we want to win this competition. We've got good ideas but I feel we need to pick up our pace!

well, this is it for today, see you soon!

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