
viernes, 27 de febrero de 2015

It's alive!

Hello! This week has been all about animating! I spent about two days researching and reading as much as I could about animation.

There was so much information available to me that I didn't even know how to begin. Slowly I started playing with the different parameters and layers and I think I am on the right track...

The way CAT animation works is through layers and each layer contains different parameters. Layers can be merged and combined to create different animations.

For this animation I started with a preset running animation and then I edited the movements from there. I had to change the way the legs moved, the speed, the spine movement, well...pretty much everything.

By using adjustment layers and tweaking the position of the rig at certain frames I am gradually achieving a good animation.

I need to refine it further to make the whole movement a lot smoother but it's looking good so far!

I hope to get the rabbit animated and into engine by the end of next week (fingers crossed). If I have learned something so far is that as soon as you make a small change, the whole animation just breaks...I am exaggerating but it takes a lot of patience and an aye for detail to create a good animation!

Bye, bye!

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