
jueves, 8 de mayo de 2014

1920s chicago project

This time I approached the project in very different way. I usually start with a blank page of paper and start drawing from my mind straight away but for some reason this time I wanted to do something else.

I started by putting together a photo-bash. Most of the pictures were images of theatres therefore I already had my clour palette before even adding paint!

Next, I took a picture of myself posing and that would be the 'blueprints' of my figure.

Here's the result.

That was my starting point and I found amazing how much easier it is to start a painting with something on the background. It is easier to get my ideas across the page as I have some sort of composition.

I started by using the values within the pictures and do a quick paintover which I had to refine. I was surprised to find ut how quickly the process of making the painting was. Having a basic structure not only made my painting accurate but it gave it realism and mood.

And this is the final piece. I could've refined it a bit more but it is still a concept design, therefore, no need for details at this stage.

I left it fairly simple since my art skills are not that amazing to start adding backgrounds and details. I hope I can produce this type of work without the help of image references at some point but for now I am very happy with this piece.

Thank you for reading,

Carla :)

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