
miércoles, 7 de mayo de 2014

The roaring years!

Hello! This weeks project is about chicago in the 1920s and so far the best project we've had! It is a project where everyone in the year is involved and so far it is looking good.

At the start I wanted to do everything. I had ideas for environments, vehicles, characters...

In the end I decided to stick with characters because it is what I am best at at the moment and since it is an end of year project I wanted it to look good.

I wasn't sure whether to do a man or a woman. I thought I'd start with the woman and then do a man but do to time constraints it seems I'll just do the woman. I might do the man on my own time.

This were my first silhouettes for the ladies and the one I liked the best was the second one starting from the left. So I went and designed a few outfits and asked peoples opinion on them.
 In the end number 3 came out as the winner and I was quite happy as it was my favourie as well.

Therefore I focused on refining number 3 and make orthographic views of the character.

I did spend a goood amount of time producing this and that's not good! I need to get faster! But I do like the outcome and I can't wait to put my character into an environment. I am thinking a backstage scene, quite atmospheric.

I hope the image I have in my mind reaches the paper.

Also, the week ahead will be very busy with work. Nothing like that little bit of stress to keep me on my toes!


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