
sábado, 10 de mayo de 2014

Trying new brushes

Some time ago we went in a uni trip to the Guild Hall in Leiceser which is one of the oldest buildings in the city.

Our task was to sketch and then make a final colour piece. The media didn't matter.

I decided to do a digital painting since I need to get better at it. I also used a new brush I haven't used before, the chalk brush. While sketching I found it fun to use but when I had to go into detail it was a bit tricky.

And here's my final piece. I used the chalk brush all the way through only varying the opacity of it.

I am quite happy about this painting although I wish I could've done the floor better! It was a good practise though.
After I finished this piece I realised how much my digital painting have improved compared to a year ago. This took me eight hours to finish and a year ago it would take me the same amount of time to make a portrait!

I've got to keep practising and get much better.


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