
martes, 14 de octubre de 2014

Colour Analysis

Hello everyone!
About a week ago we were given a presentation on colour palettes and how artists use them to create harmonious paintings.

We were given the task to look for pictures that we found interesting or that simply stood out in terms of colours and analyse it.

We had to pick the colours that stood out the most  in the scene and find out what kind of colour palette the artist had used.

Then it was our turn to create an image and have a go at playing with the colours in the scene. We were advised to start with a grey scale image and then add colour layers so that we can always go back to the original image.

This is my original image. Completely random. It all started with a sketch of Bee from Bee and puppycat. She was meant to fight this giant monster but it didn't work in terms of composition so I started drawing monster teeth like it was about to eat the character but later on  I decided to remove the character and somehow I ended up with this.

After I was more or less happy with the painting I applied some colour!

In order: Tetradic colour palette, complimentary, Triadic, split complimentary.

It's interesting to see that by changing the colours, it changes the way the image is perceived. If I had to choose one I'd probably go with the third one, the tetradic colour palette. 

Which one would you pick?

See you soon, 


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