
viernes, 30 de enero de 2015

Once upon a tropical island

Hello everyone! This week has been pretty busy and finally our container city is finished!
I have been focusing on making props and texturing since we needed to populate our level!

Making the statue took me longer than I expected. I usually model humans in a T pose but this figure was sitting and it took me a while to get the shape for the legs right. There was no point in rigging it so that it could sit down since it would not be moving.

I used Zbrush to add a little detail and I textured it in Photoshop.

I also worked on a shield but it looks better in 3Ds max than it does in engine...It's probably due to the resolution of the texture.

I have also been working on foliage and rocks to dress our level, it helps create a nice organic feel.

Next post will be a postmortem of this project. I will be going into detail about this project as well as including pretty pictures of our level.

 Right now I am just happy it's over and I am already excited for the Off the map competition!

See you soon!


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