
jueves, 5 de febrero de 2015

Container city project: Postmortem


Container city is done and it's time to go back and review how it went.

I really enjoyed working on this project as it turned out pretty nice! I got along with everyone on my group which made us a productive team.
We didn't communicate much which was no good in terms of keeping up with assets. At one point I didn't know who was doing what.

We had a strong idea from the beginning and we made sure certain elements would stay the same throughout our level. We worked at a steady pace, without rushing anything which means we managed to finish everything on time. Perhaps if had worked a bit faster we could have included some stretch goals like the wrecked ship behind the altar.

We all started on by concepting the different rooms and then we split into different roles. Callum took most of the engine work. Braden and I were in charge of most of the assets and Johannes did some engine work (particle effects) as well as some props.

I felt quite comfortable working with them but as in any group project, there were certain things I wanted to look in a specific way but I had to respect my team mates and reach a middle ground with them.
I feel that a bit more organization would have benefited our final outcome. We didn't really have a schedule when we would meet or how many hours we would spend in labs. We would just drop assets into google drive and then help Callum put them into the level.

In this project I felt that I could speak up and that my ideas would be heard better than any previous group projects. It gave me more confidence and I want to keep having a noticeable input on future group work.

The tutors were happy with our level, they thought it was something original but they wanted to see more of the relationship between the ship wreckage and the tribal world. I am overall very pleased and it amazes me how much one can create when working in a team. So far I have been quite lucky with my team mates. I have always been with a nice group and I hope it stays this way!

Next project is the Off the map competition sponsored by Gamecity and the British Library. It'll be an awesome project to work on! All I know is that I've been put in a really good team and we've got a really good idea but I'll talk about that on another post!

See you soon!

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