
lunes, 28 de abril de 2014

Blog Task1, part 1

From mechanical machines to small handheld devices, computers have clearly changed dramatically over the past century. I believe that computers are split in two categories, those used for work (industrial or business) and entertainment. It was probably around the 1980s that this shift occurred. With the launch of apple computers in 1975, a computer could be used by anybody. He also made the first computers with pretty calligraphy and that was probably the first hint of art in computers. Computers could do much more than just solve algorithms.

Then the arcades games took over. They were just pixels on a black background but people liked it and games and entertainment seemed like it had a good potential.

Another shift took place during the development of computers and it is woman participation. They used to work managing the super massive computers of the 1950s but after the cold war they didn’t play major roles in creating new computers, they went silent for a few decades until recently.

Regarding videogames, they have become more realistic thanks to better engines capable of rendering awesome graphics.  With that, a big controversy have been circulating for the last decades. Violence. Game nowadays are more gore than they used to be due to the graphics.

Some people attributes crimes carried out by young people to games. Although I believe that if you are psychologically healthy, there’s no reason why a game would turn you into a violent person. Old games can be as violent as current ones, but because of the limited graphics, it doesn’t seem that bad.

As an artist I do appreciate the art work behind any game. It always tells a story, or at least it is entertaining. How many times I just like to walk around the game map observing the graphics. Countless.

I prefer games that take you through a journey, that have plot and interesting characters. Pastime games, which I like to call (wii sports, dance central, street fighter, etc). They are good, and entertaining, specially if you play with friends but you get bored of them quite easily.
But a game with a fascinating storyline will grab your attention for years. The gameplay also makes the whole gaming experience better. If it is too hard or too boring the game won’t succeed.
For my blog task I believe I will focus on graphics in videogames, as I really enjoy visually striking games.

Carla Chanquia

References: History learning site (2000—2013). The personal computer [Online]. Available at:

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