
domingo, 27 de abril de 2014

The 3D struggle 2

I haven't posed anything 3D related in a long time, so here it is.
I am finding this module the hardest and it brings me to tears many nights when I can't make my models work, but I have to keep on going. I will become better in time.

Here's my ford transit van project. This task was very different to what we had been doing so far. The construction of the model was little strips put together. Like a Lego castle, slowly building from the foundations.

I enjoyed making the model but then I had to texture it. It would've been much easier if we could just paint it but we are asked to manipulate images so that it looked photo realistic.

I always struggle with that part. That and time management. I have the tendency to believe that things would take less time than they actually do. Therefore I end up very stressed by the time I have to hand in the project.

I am getting better at it, but I need to work more on it.

The van is about 5000 triangles (including interior), therefore it is not very high poly but I think I managed a good job in terms of shape. It looks fairly similar to the original.

Here I was just having a bit of fun :)

Carla Chanquia

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