
domingo, 27 de abril de 2014

Vehicle Design project

Most of the second uni term, we learned about design. We created vehicles and characters. I really enjoyed all of these projects as they involved lots of creativity!

On this post I am going to focus on the vehicle project. The task was simple, or so it seemed.
The tutor asked us to bring a random object in class and a couple of books with interesting pictures in it. We were meant to draw silhouettes. By just having a blob of paint on a paper was meant to stimulate our imagination to see beyond the original object.

We first drew the object and broke it down into very basic shapes. We also looked at perspective.

Next we drew the object silhouette from all sorts of angles. Up, right, close, tilted, any possible angle to have as many shapes as possible.

Now it was time to what I was actually drawing. What do I see in those silhouettes? At first I thought I could do some fort of underwater vehicle, because it was slim, but then when I drew from other perspectives I saw the possibility of a two wheeled vehicle. In the end I decided to go with my second idea.

I went back to the original object and studied it closer. What is it made of? What elements has it got? Could I use this on my final design?

The first sketch I created was that of a motorcycle, I did a good amount of research on bikes and motorcycles but in the end I decided to go for a warfare vehicle.

And then, my design changed again! I had the shape but I didn't like the idea of a war vehicle. Therefore as I did some research of tanks and trucks for my vehicle I came across with diggers other excavating vehicles and I liked the idea.

Once in Photoshop, it was all about trial and error. See what worked and what not.

 And here's the finished piece.

My vehicle is an underwater digger, although it can be used to carry equipment and materials. It can also be used to explore a shipwreck as it can lift heavy things.

The main point of this project was to get our head around in terms of design. I should have done industrial drawings and worked more on the vehicle and its component but I didn't know how to approach this project at first.

Next time I will be more prepared. That's why I am learning!

And then they asked us to sculpt our vehicles! That was hard. I used clay and I think it looked quite cute, but it took a long time!

I had to change the design a little bit as my sculpting skills are not that great.

Overall it was a very interesting and fun project to do!

Carla Chanquia

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